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Cheats For Jak 3 Ps2 Game

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Get the latest Jak 3 cheats, codes, unlockables, hints, Easter eggs, glitches, tips, tricks, hacks, downloads, hints, guides, FAQs, walkthroughs, and more for PlayStation 2 (PS2). has all you need to win every game you play!

Jak 3 (PS2) Unlockables - Full list These items are bought in the secrets menu after the indicated levels have been completed: Bad Weather: 5 Orbs - Act 1-1 Big Head Mode: 3 Orbs - Act 1-1 Blaster Damage Upgrade: 6 Orbs - Act 1-9 Dark Jak Invisibility: 25 Orbs - Act 3-11 Fast Movies 5 orbs - Act 1-1. Welcome to our collection of Jak 3, cheats, cheat codes, wallpapers and more for PS2.Visit our dedicated Jak 3 message board to discuss this game with other members. Check back for more Jak 3 cheats to be posted. Input the buttons anywhere in the game. The Limited Debug Mode code needs to be entered first and the Full Debug Mode., Jak 3 for the Playstation 2.

Use the above links or scroll down see all to the PlayStation 2 cheats we have available for Jak 3.

Walk Through An Area With Out Getting Hit

First, have the third blue gun then have unlimited ammo. Next, pull it out and wreak havoc - all small enemies will be dead before they can even think of attacking you.

Easy Way To Get Through Areas With Lots Of Enemies

First, you need unlimited ammo (50 precurser orbs) and the Super Nova. Than you just keep running and firing Super Nova at the same time and no enemies can even get near you.

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People Bouncing Around.

First use the Mass Inverter around lots of people (guards, pedstrians, ect. ) . Than hit the people with circle or square and they go flying. For more fun with this, try it on marauders cars in the desert.

Attack With Jetboard

To attack with the jetboard just press circle while riding it.

One FREE Precurser Orb

To find a precurser orb go to the stadium-like place where you meet sig for the first time in Jak 3. Go to the center circle by using light flight and than go up (again using light flight) where damas sits right diagonal up from the center circle. Behind his chair you will find one precurser orb.

More Krimzon Gaurds

When you get 1000 skull gems, more krimzon gaurds appear.

Defeating Cyber Errol

Note: The Arc Wielder Robot Shock upgrade isrecommended for this level. First, Errol willlaunch grenades at you. They are very easy tododge. Keep running and do not stop. Next, he willlaunch a swarm of KG bots. Take out the ArcWielder or any rapid-fire weapon to destroy them.He will launch two waves at you. After those twowaves, a small robot with a green jewel on it willappear from a blue duct. Take out the Blaster andfire until it falls, then spin kick it into theduct where it came from. The robot will explodeand damage Errol. The battle will remain the same,only the grenades Errol launches will emit ashockwave when they hit the ground, and he willlaunch a flurry of regular grenades, creatingholes in the floor. Also, when Errol's meter isred, Dark Makers will come out of the ductsinstead of KG bots. Be careful, as they can do alot of damage to you if you are not careful. Usethe Plasmite RPG or Dark Jak Dark strike to takethem out.When fighting Errol in the War Factory, he will beon a higher platform than you are, standing over acircle thing in the wall. Defeat all of theenemies that he throws at you that come out of thefour holes on the walls. Then, a machine will comeout of one of the four holes. Hit the one that isunder where Errol is standing. It will take outone fourth of his health. After doing this threemore times you will defeat him.When you are fighting Errol in the last missionwhen he is in the Terraformer. there are two partsto defeating him. One is destroying the things onthe legs of the Terraformer. This will requiresome time, as the legs keep moving. It will throwenemies at you, and you must shoot it whiledriving around the desert. After destroying thelegs, the body of the Terraformer will land infront of Spargus City's gate. From there you willclimb the body onto a big platform where you willfight Errol for the last time. He is now using thehead of the Terraformer. First, destroy thetentacles that come out of the platform. Then,destroy the enemies. Next, jump over the laserthat sweeps over the platform. After that, youwill have a chance to shoot at the back of thehead. After a few times, his health meter will beat the yellow or red level. Errol will start tosmash the head onto the platform. Dodge this andkeep destroying and jumping over the laser. Onceyou make the last shot, you will see anintermission sequence showing Jak shooting thehead destroying the Terraformer.

Flying Car

When you are in the car garage, choose the DuneHopper. Then, when you get a boost, hold L1 tojump and let go. When you are in mid-air, pressR2 to use the boost. And there you go, you'reown personal flying car!

Hidden Secrets

In every level you complete,(especially thelevels in Haven City in the Sewers) check yourmap. You will find a place on the map that isn'ta part of your normal path. If you can get to ityou'll be rewarded with extra ammo, health, and afew precurser orbs.

Have Unlimited Precursor Orbs Secrets

Let's say you have collected 5 Precursor Orbsand you want all three Level Selects, copy thefile with 5 precursor orbs 3 times into theremaining save slots, and activate Act 1 LevelSelect in the first file. Then activate Act 2Level Select in the second. Then activate Act 3Level Select in the third file, and now you canhave all three Level Selects!


Hollow Volcano

I found this after I beat the game and it got me thinking, I went to the volcano on the edge of the wasteland desert ( not the one in the middle of the map), You will need unlimited light jak and jak flight, First you need to go to the right side the volcano where you see a cliff, leave the vehicle behind, Start using jak flight, You will need to fly around the rocks until you see a uphill beach, climb up the beach ( you can use the jetboard), instantly you will go through the mountain and see nothing but a hollow shell (no lava), if you want to get out just walk out the mountain wall on any side ( recommend you use the closest one to your vehicle).

Death Sentence

This Glitch is called The Death Sentence. Here is how it works, well it's rather simple. You have to have the Super Nova (Nova Star) and you have to have beaten the game (by the time you get the Super Nova you can't go to The Wastelands because you are towards the end of the game). Take the Nova Star And you know the little parking lot where all the cars are? Shoot it inside there. It doesn't matter if your outside the city or inside (where the citizens are) or in the parking lot YOU WILL DIE! The Nova Star has a limit on how far the Nova Rocket goes. So make sure you are in it's shooting range to where it reaches the parking lot. If done right you will hear the death sound or failed mission sound whatever you call it. Then Jak will reappear on the screen with the last car you were in, inside or outside the city, or in the parking lot. You have just made your own Death Sentence.

Invincible Vehicles

If you don't want to keep upgrading vehicle toughness, just buy the invincibility cheat (go to secrets and purchase for 50 precursor orbs) Any thing you ride will be invincible. (Note: only cars and leaper lizards will not be damaged. ) You can even run with the leaper lizard in water (theres a limit on distance of course, the octopus thing kills you if you go out too far) Cars will not survive in water.

Climb Tower

First off, you need a hover board and jak flight. You don't need anything else. You don't need to do the x, circle thing either. Go to the right tower in New Haven City. Make sure it's the right one and not the left one. The section of the city where there is water and no fighting. Then go to the front side of the tower and use Jak flight (you only need to press x twice)to get on a slim edge. Then jump on the pipe making a half-circle. Then use the thing where you crouch and jump to get to the other half-circle pipe above it (it sort of looks like stairs). Next you do the crouch-jump again to get to a slightly wider edge. Walk very carefully so you don't fall off around a corner to the next set of half-circle pipes. Repeat the steps from the first set of half-circle pipes. And wala! You make it to the platforms on the tower! You can't go any higher and there is two wires going to the other tower and if you grind with your hoverboard you can get there.

Slow Time

You know those missions where you have a time limit to find a orb or something? Well all you have to do to beat them easily is use slow mo with light jak and the time slows down but you don't!

Bootleg Peace Maker

When Damas gives you the Wake Cuncussor, don't switch guns. Zoom in on Jak and he will have the Peace Maker.

Dark Abyss

All you have to do is go to the precursors you now were you do all your jetbourd missions at. Now in the big lake go to the rocks were a little bit of water is coming out at and crouch down (Note:It'll take a few tries to do) now start crawling to your left towards the green land. You'll go into nothing and there will be nothing but black if you walk forward some more you'll fall into blackness called an Abyss.

Farther Grenade Launcher In The Dune Hopper

While riding in the Dune Hopper jump and thenshoot a grenade and it will go much farther.

Lots Of Ammo

When you are in haven city, if you go to an areawhere the guards are fighting KG bots, you canget a lot of ammunition. Most KG bots will giveyou ammo after you kill them, and they will neverstop coming. They usually give you ammo for thegun you kill them with. (they will alsosometimes give you health.)

Unlimited Light Jak Flight

After buying it in secrets, keep hitting X and Circle.

IP Decimal from is 5. Open (a site for convert IP Address to IP Decimal) 4. Convert IP Address to IP Decimal. That is 3.

Two Wastelanders Fighting In Wastelander City

Go into the Wastelander City and shoot one of theWastelanders. They will begin to shoot at you.Quickly run behind another Wastelander, and theone you shot will continue trying to shoot you,causing him to shoot the one that you are hidingbehind. They both will begin shooting each otheruntil one dies.

Defending Front Gate In Spargus City

In the mission where you have to defend Spargus'sfront gate, the best car to use is the Dune Hopperor Dust Demon because of their grenade launchers.They should take out the Catapult Launcher in twohits.

Guns And Cars In Spargus City

When in the garage, shoot the cars there anddestroy them. You will restart from inside thegarage. The only gun that will not affect them isthe Mass Inverter. All it does is make the cars goup in the air.

Light Eco In Spargus City

Around the corner from Krew's garage in SpargusCity, you will find a Light Eco Vent. Also inSpargus City, there are rats running around thatwill give you Dark Eco and very rarely Light Eco.

Defending The Naughty Ottsel

In the level where you must defend the NaughtyOttsel in four different areas, the third isprobably the most difficult. You must destroy allthe robots and protect three people as well. Ifthey all die, you lose. If you are having trouble,keep dying on purpose. Eventually you will getmore people, and you will only lose if they all die.

Peacemaker In Water

Note: You cannot use guns in water except by doingthe following. Take out the Peacemaker and chargeit up (hold R1). While it is charging, jump inwater. You can swim around with the Peacemakerstill charging, provided that you keep R1 held.Once you fire it you must get out of the water andcharge it up again to use it in the water.

Leaper Runs On Water

When in Spargus, grab a Leaper and double jumpinto the water. The Leaper will be standing on thewater, and you can move around.

Daxter Floats In Mid-air

When you are in the War Factory mission, go to thearea where you control Daxter for the fourth time.After you make it past the moving flamethrowers,jump down toward the KG bots and a car. Jump ontothe car where the seats are, and Daxter will bestanding in mid-air instead of on the car's seats.You must land the double jump where the seats arelocated.

Defeating The Precursor Robot

First, the robot will use an energy sword to zapyou, swinging from side to side. Just jump overit. Next, he will launch little multiplying spiderthings at you. Do a 360 Rapid Fire Combo with theBeam Reflexor to take them out. Then, he willshoot lasers at the ground, bringing up somepillars. Wait until they cool and jump to thehighest one, dodging the blasts that the robotfires at you. You will find some mine carts. Shootat them until one falls on the robot's head.Repeat this and you win the Arc Wielder and Act 2.

Cannot Switch Hover Zones

When you are in the section of Haven City calledNew Haven City, go to the sewers to turn on theswitch. Go back the way that you came by going upthe elevator. After doing this, try to get to theFreedom HQ. You will not be able to. Do not switchhover zones, because you will fall into a deepabyss. After going back into the city you willhave to save somewhere else in that the New HavenCity section. If you do not do this, it willremain that way.

Outside Haven City Walls

This is one of the hardest things to do and takestime to get it right. When you go to the twotowers in the Haven City near the Naughty Ottselfind a zoomer and get to the small ledge on thetower, then find a piece of metal that sticks outjump for it and the next one (you should now beon a thicker ledge). No go around and findanother set of pipes, jump to them and you'll getto a place with lots of crates. Now turn to lightflight (better if you have infinit light powerand invulnerability). Look for the closest wallof Haven City and fly to it, keep turning theshield on and hitting X to keep altitude, (takesa couple of tries) when you get to the edge youwill fall to the water (not dying).NOTE: In certain parts you'll sink and the waterwill turn black. (you die).

Cheat transformer the game psp. (3 maps)Sideswiped (15) - Sideswipe defeats Sideways (MP only)Soundwave Superior (15) - Soundwave defeats Long Haul (MP only)The Autobot Run (50) - Complete the Autobot campaign on expert with a 75% completionThe Ultimate Weapon (15) - Defeat G1 Megatron using G1 Optimus (MP only). DLC AchievementsEveryone has a weakness (15) - Defeat G1 Megatron with G1 Starscream (MP only)Jazz Hands (25) - Defeat Megatron with Jazz using melee (MP only)Megatron's Master Plan (50) - Complete the Decepticon campaign on expert with a 75% completionPrime Target (15) - Defeat G1 Optimus using G1 Megatron (MP only)Quest for Survival (25) - Win a match on ANY game mode on each new map.

Underneath Spargus City

When you finish the game and have theinvincibility cheat, go to the lake in SpargusCity, get on a Leaper and turn on theinvincibility cheat and jump on the lake. TheLeaper should be able to walk on the water, andif you go to the far right (when your facing thelake) You should be able to see underneathSpargus City. (can't GO underneath it)

Free Hero Mode

First, Get 5 Orbs, then save the game. Buy Heromode, save your hero mode file, the, insted ofsaving your normal file like recomended, gostrait to hero mode.

Easy Car Boost

Jak 3 Ps2 Walkthrough

Get 30 orbs then press start. Go to secrets thenbuy unlimited boost.

Jet Board Great Moves

When you are using Jet Board, Spin, Flip, SuperJump to defense attacks. Use the same moves butnot super jump to attack enemy or press O toWide attack.

Easy Timed Challenges

You can use Light Jak's time freezing ability toslow down the clock during challenges while youmove around at normal speed.

No Damage From High Falls

When you fall from a high place, kick (Circle)shortly before you hit the ground and you won'ttake any damage from the fall.

Jak's New Clothes

Simply obtain all 600 Precursor Orbs to obtaindifferent colored clothes for Jak. Themessage, 'Congratulation! You found all 600Precursor Orbs. Enjoy Jak's stylish new duds,'will appear on the screen to confirm this.

Free Precursor Orbs

Go to any oracle statue and trade metal headskull gems to start an orb search challenge. Goto the orb and wait for the clock to turn to00:00. Even though it says 00:00, it takesanother second for the time to run out (I.E.00:00 is really 00:00.100) So wait one moresecond, and then press Square to dash at the orbas soon as time runs out and the mission failedscreen comes up. You will get 3 orbs, and beable to retry!

1st Vehicle Race

In this vehicle race you are racing in the RoughPuppy. Not all that fancy but it will do. You areracing 4 other drivers in souped up machines. Toget a little edge on your opponents get a turbaand save it for the numerous mud puddles later inthe course. Also try jumping at the peak of thehills and ridges to get a little extra umph!

Light And Dark Jak

You can turn into light or dark jak anytime aslong as you have a little bit of eco in themeter. To turn into Light Jak you must hold L2and press Triangle, Circle, Square, or X. Tochange to Dark Jak you must press L2.

All Cheats

All of the cheats are on the the pause menu go to secrets and go down slowly and there will be a thing thats says cheats.

We have no unlockables for Jak 3 yet. If you have any unlockables please submit them.

We have no easter eggs for Jak 3 yet. If you have any unlockables please submit them.

Funny Glitch

After Damas gives you the Wave Concussor waittill the movie ends. If you look at the gun inJak's hands before you press up twice you willnotice that Jak is actually holding the PeaceMaker which you do not have yet.

Created by: kid Iverson.Read the full guide..

Created by: gaming god alpha.Read the full guide..

Strategy Guide/Walkthrough/FAQCorey Feldman InterviewToggle Jak's Goatee cheat

Collect 5 orbs during a game.

Mirror World cheat

Collect 15 orbs during a game.

Admincheat Slomo This command sets the speed multiplier of the game, allowing you to speed it up or slow it down, 1 is default/normal speed. The syntax for this Ark command is as follows. Ark game speed cheat. Cheat god Enables godmode, you can not die except you can still drown cheat fly Allows you to fly cheat walk Deactivates flying and allows you to walk again cheat teleport Teleports you to coords 0 0 0 (X Y Z) cheat slomo 5 Changes the speed on the server such as player movement, use slomo 1 to revert to normal speed cheat playersonly.

Big head mode cheat

Collect 30 orbs during a game.

Small Head Mode cheat

Collect 45 orbs during a game.

Scrap Book cheat

Collect 55 orbs during a game.

Scene Player Act 1 cheat

Collect 65 orbs during a game.

Vulcan Fury Course cheat

Collect 75 orbs during a game.

Scene Player Act 2 cheat

Collect 95 orbs during a game.

Peace Maker Gun Course cheat

Collect 105 orbs during a game.

Scene Player Act 3 cheat

Collect 125 orbs during a game.

Reverse Races cheat

Collect 135 orbs during a game.

Level Select cheat

Collect 145 orbs during a game.

Infinite Ammo cheat

Collect 155 orbs during a game.

Infinite Dark Jak cheat

Collect 165 orbs during a game.

Invulnerability cheat

Collect 175 orbs during a game.

Hero Mode cheat

Collect 200 orbs during a game. When this cheat is activated, start a new game to begin with all four morph guns attachments and an alternate secrets list.

Alternate scrap book

Collect 200 orbs in Hero Mode.

Infinite Skullgems

After you have collected 200 Precursor Orbs, you can start a new game in hero mode. In Hero Mode, you can get unlimited Skullgems from Metal Heads. Kill the Metal Heads, take their Skullgems, and after you die or exit, re-enter the level and meet the same Metal Heads again. They will give you another Skullges. You can easily collect all the Skullgems needed to give to the Oracle for the new Dark Jak skills. Then, kill yourself and repeat.

Daxter holds any gun

If Jak has equipped any gun (for example, The Blaster), steal a car with the gun still equipped. You will see that Jak has given the gun to Daxter. And if you fire the gun, Daxter will shoot. Or, if you are in a car and equip a gun (for example, The Blaster), Daxter is holding it. if you fire the gun, Daxter will shoot.

More ammunition

To get more ammo for any of your guns without getting caught, do the following. Make sure you are in a place where there are Krimzon Guards (for example, Haven City). Steal a zoomer from anyone. Accelerate (press X) at a Krimzon Guard, and when it is about to hit him, get off (press Triangle). Keep on doing this about four to five times to get ammo. Also, to refill your ammo at any time during a game, go to Haven City and go to the Gun Course. It is in the Port; look for a Zoomer parked outside a door. Go inside to the first room where there are several Krimzon Guard Crates. Smash them to find an assortment of ammo. You rarely (if at all) will find Peace Maker ammo. If you do not max out your ammo in one shot. Go outside, go to the Hip Hog Saloon, return to the Gun Course, and the Krimzon Guard Crates should have regenerated.

Peace Maker

After you escort the three men down in the sewer, there will be a icon on your radar. It will take you to the Gun course. There will be a light shining on a box. Open it to find a gun. You will see an intermission sequence featuring Jak putting the front of the Peace Maker on a gun. Then, Daxter will say 'Finally, our own Peace Maker,' and you will have the Peace Maker. Note: It only has ten shots. Also, when you have obtained the Peace Maker, you can charge it and the Krimson Guards will immediately start chasing you.

Blaster combo

When you have the Blaster rifle and have it equipped, use the punch attack (Square) on an enemy, then quickly shoot (R1). Jak will knock the enemy in the air and finish it with a strong rapid fire.

Spinning rapidfire blaster combo

When you have the Blaster rifle and have it equipped, jump (X) then when in the air, spin (Circle) and fire (R1) while spinning in the air. Jak will start shooting rapidly while spinning. Use this to easily kill a group of enemies when surrounded.

Big jumps

Instead of holding L1 then pressing X to do a big jump, press X(2), Circle, jump twice, then spin kick.


Go to an area where there are no Krimzon Guards (such as the mountain area). Waste the ammunition for all your guns. Pull out the Vulcan Fury again by pressing Left, then hold R1. The Vulcan Fury will rotate, but since it has no ammo, nothing will fire. Instead, you will hear only the mechanics of the gun, which sound similar to a blender.

Avoid guards by stealth

When on foot in the city and being chased by guards, get out of sight and press the Left Analog-stick towards a wall. You will get stealthy until the panic is over.

Swim faster

To make Jak swim faster, keep tapping the Analog-stick in the direction you want to go.

Hover on water and Dark Eco with JetBoard

When keep the JetBoard, you can use it to hover on water and Dark Eco. This can be very useful when you want to go faster on water if you do not have a Zoomer, or if you have to cross some Dark Eco lakes.

Faster time in stadium mission

When the mission where Jak has to race across the city to the stadium becomes available, complete all other missions until it is the only mission remaining. You can now receive a faster time by going from Krew's place north into the square and through the area with the water. Follow the map to reach the stadium in time with ease.

Winning the Class 1 race

When you get on your race car, there will be an intermission sequence that shows Erol pulling in next to you, and Baron Praxis will announce if someone manages to the grand champion they will get a year supply of Eco and a ticket to get in his palace. When you start the race, there will be a short cut at the beginning on the right-hand side. Try to keep your first place lead. Near the finish line there will be a very brief shortcut tat puts you somewhat farther ahead. Repeat this three times and use the shortcuts to win the Class 1 race.

Winning the second race

The jet bike will jump if you press L1. When the race starts hold back a little and collect the left side boost icon left by the pack. Use a Jump and Boost combo to clear the cannon and cut out a hard U-turn. You will see light across the cannon where you jump. This should have you in front of the pack. Remain there by taking this shortcut in all five laps.

Hover on water and Dark Eco with JetBoard

When keep the JetBoard, you can use it to hover on water and Dark Eco. This can be very useful when you want to go faster on water if you do not have a Zoomer, or if you have to cross some Dark Eco lakes.

Destroy produce stands

Notice the produce stands scattered about the area of Haven City where Onin is located. You can wreck them. Punch, spin, shoot, or hover over the boxes and vases. They will break and the produce will scatter everywhere.

Ratchet and Clank: Going Commando reference

In Haven City, go to the giant garden that has giant flowers and a water cannon shooting water on them. It is near the entrance of Haven Forest and the Mountain. From here, go to the City (not to the stadium area that is nearby). Go past few small bridges, then you should face a big building. On its wall, you should see a picture of Ratchet and Clank (the main characters of Insomniac games' Ratchet and Clank). Ratchet is wearing his green commando suit from in Ratchet and Clank: Going Commando.

Baron Praxis comments

After you complete the game, go to a radio structure where announcements are said. If you wait, you will hear Baron say things like ' Victory is ours!' and 'It's hard ruling a city, you know.'

Lurker Shark on plaque in Hip Hog Heaven

Go to Hip Hog Heaven (the bar place) and look on some of the plaques. There will be a Lurker Shark on one of them.

Jak 3 Cheat Codes

Shortcut in Torn mission 2

On the second long jump, when you are on top of the sewage thing, jump to the left. If you keep going straight once you hit land, there will be stairs taking you to a new part of the mission. Go up the stairs. This skips about one half of the mission.

Avoid Krimson Guards by stealth

When on foot in the city and being chased by guards, get out of sight and press the Left Analog-stick towards a wall. You will get stealthy until the panic is over.

Not chased by Krimson Guard

When you steal any car, drive on the ground. When you see a Krimson Guard Hell Cat above you, press R2. You will hit the bottom of the Hell Cat, but not get chased. Additionally, steal a hovercar and when you see a guard, change to low hover levels. Go fast, and before you hit them, get off quickly. It will smack them without them knowing it was you.

Krimson Guard revenge

After you defeat Krew, go back to his place. Win the Wack the Metal Head game. Metal Heads will be loose, and the Krimson Guards will be chasing only them. You can now kill the Krimson Guards without them going after you.

Defeating the Baron
Cheats For Jak 3 Ps2 Game

Hollow Volcano

I found this after I beat the game and it got me thinking, I went to the volcano on the edge of the wasteland desert ( not the one in the middle of the map), You will need unlimited light jak and jak flight, First you need to go to the right side the volcano where you see a cliff, leave the vehicle behind, Start using jak flight, You will need to fly around the rocks until you see a uphill beach, climb up the beach ( you can use the jetboard), instantly you will go through the mountain and see nothing but a hollow shell (no lava), if you want to get out just walk out the mountain wall on any side ( recommend you use the closest one to your vehicle).

Death Sentence

This Glitch is called The Death Sentence. Here is how it works, well it's rather simple. You have to have the Super Nova (Nova Star) and you have to have beaten the game (by the time you get the Super Nova you can't go to The Wastelands because you are towards the end of the game). Take the Nova Star And you know the little parking lot where all the cars are? Shoot it inside there. It doesn't matter if your outside the city or inside (where the citizens are) or in the parking lot YOU WILL DIE! The Nova Star has a limit on how far the Nova Rocket goes. So make sure you are in it's shooting range to where it reaches the parking lot. If done right you will hear the death sound or failed mission sound whatever you call it. Then Jak will reappear on the screen with the last car you were in, inside or outside the city, or in the parking lot. You have just made your own Death Sentence.

Invincible Vehicles

If you don't want to keep upgrading vehicle toughness, just buy the invincibility cheat (go to secrets and purchase for 50 precursor orbs) Any thing you ride will be invincible. (Note: only cars and leaper lizards will not be damaged. ) You can even run with the leaper lizard in water (theres a limit on distance of course, the octopus thing kills you if you go out too far) Cars will not survive in water.

Climb Tower

First off, you need a hover board and jak flight. You don't need anything else. You don't need to do the x, circle thing either. Go to the right tower in New Haven City. Make sure it's the right one and not the left one. The section of the city where there is water and no fighting. Then go to the front side of the tower and use Jak flight (you only need to press x twice)to get on a slim edge. Then jump on the pipe making a half-circle. Then use the thing where you crouch and jump to get to the other half-circle pipe above it (it sort of looks like stairs). Next you do the crouch-jump again to get to a slightly wider edge. Walk very carefully so you don't fall off around a corner to the next set of half-circle pipes. Repeat the steps from the first set of half-circle pipes. And wala! You make it to the platforms on the tower! You can't go any higher and there is two wires going to the other tower and if you grind with your hoverboard you can get there.

Slow Time

You know those missions where you have a time limit to find a orb or something? Well all you have to do to beat them easily is use slow mo with light jak and the time slows down but you don't!

Bootleg Peace Maker

When Damas gives you the Wake Cuncussor, don't switch guns. Zoom in on Jak and he will have the Peace Maker.

Dark Abyss

All you have to do is go to the precursors you now were you do all your jetbourd missions at. Now in the big lake go to the rocks were a little bit of water is coming out at and crouch down (Note:It'll take a few tries to do) now start crawling to your left towards the green land. You'll go into nothing and there will be nothing but black if you walk forward some more you'll fall into blackness called an Abyss.

Farther Grenade Launcher In The Dune Hopper

While riding in the Dune Hopper jump and thenshoot a grenade and it will go much farther.

Lots Of Ammo

When you are in haven city, if you go to an areawhere the guards are fighting KG bots, you canget a lot of ammunition. Most KG bots will giveyou ammo after you kill them, and they will neverstop coming. They usually give you ammo for thegun you kill them with. (they will alsosometimes give you health.)

Unlimited Light Jak Flight

After buying it in secrets, keep hitting X and Circle.

IP Decimal from is 5. Open (a site for convert IP Address to IP Decimal) 4. Convert IP Address to IP Decimal. That is 3.

Two Wastelanders Fighting In Wastelander City

Go into the Wastelander City and shoot one of theWastelanders. They will begin to shoot at you.Quickly run behind another Wastelander, and theone you shot will continue trying to shoot you,causing him to shoot the one that you are hidingbehind. They both will begin shooting each otheruntil one dies.

Defending Front Gate In Spargus City

In the mission where you have to defend Spargus'sfront gate, the best car to use is the Dune Hopperor Dust Demon because of their grenade launchers.They should take out the Catapult Launcher in twohits.

Guns And Cars In Spargus City

When in the garage, shoot the cars there anddestroy them. You will restart from inside thegarage. The only gun that will not affect them isthe Mass Inverter. All it does is make the cars goup in the air.

Light Eco In Spargus City

Around the corner from Krew's garage in SpargusCity, you will find a Light Eco Vent. Also inSpargus City, there are rats running around thatwill give you Dark Eco and very rarely Light Eco.

Defending The Naughty Ottsel

In the level where you must defend the NaughtyOttsel in four different areas, the third isprobably the most difficult. You must destroy allthe robots and protect three people as well. Ifthey all die, you lose. If you are having trouble,keep dying on purpose. Eventually you will getmore people, and you will only lose if they all die.

Peacemaker In Water

Note: You cannot use guns in water except by doingthe following. Take out the Peacemaker and chargeit up (hold R1). While it is charging, jump inwater. You can swim around with the Peacemakerstill charging, provided that you keep R1 held.Once you fire it you must get out of the water andcharge it up again to use it in the water.

Leaper Runs On Water

When in Spargus, grab a Leaper and double jumpinto the water. The Leaper will be standing on thewater, and you can move around.

Daxter Floats In Mid-air

When you are in the War Factory mission, go to thearea where you control Daxter for the fourth time.After you make it past the moving flamethrowers,jump down toward the KG bots and a car. Jump ontothe car where the seats are, and Daxter will bestanding in mid-air instead of on the car's seats.You must land the double jump where the seats arelocated.

Defeating The Precursor Robot

First, the robot will use an energy sword to zapyou, swinging from side to side. Just jump overit. Next, he will launch little multiplying spiderthings at you. Do a 360 Rapid Fire Combo with theBeam Reflexor to take them out. Then, he willshoot lasers at the ground, bringing up somepillars. Wait until they cool and jump to thehighest one, dodging the blasts that the robotfires at you. You will find some mine carts. Shootat them until one falls on the robot's head.Repeat this and you win the Arc Wielder and Act 2.

Cannot Switch Hover Zones

When you are in the section of Haven City calledNew Haven City, go to the sewers to turn on theswitch. Go back the way that you came by going upthe elevator. After doing this, try to get to theFreedom HQ. You will not be able to. Do not switchhover zones, because you will fall into a deepabyss. After going back into the city you willhave to save somewhere else in that the New HavenCity section. If you do not do this, it willremain that way.

Outside Haven City Walls

This is one of the hardest things to do and takestime to get it right. When you go to the twotowers in the Haven City near the Naughty Ottselfind a zoomer and get to the small ledge on thetower, then find a piece of metal that sticks outjump for it and the next one (you should now beon a thicker ledge). No go around and findanother set of pipes, jump to them and you'll getto a place with lots of crates. Now turn to lightflight (better if you have infinit light powerand invulnerability). Look for the closest wallof Haven City and fly to it, keep turning theshield on and hitting X to keep altitude, (takesa couple of tries) when you get to the edge youwill fall to the water (not dying).NOTE: In certain parts you'll sink and the waterwill turn black. (you die).

Cheat transformer the game psp. (3 maps)Sideswiped (15) - Sideswipe defeats Sideways (MP only)Soundwave Superior (15) - Soundwave defeats Long Haul (MP only)The Autobot Run (50) - Complete the Autobot campaign on expert with a 75% completionThe Ultimate Weapon (15) - Defeat G1 Megatron using G1 Optimus (MP only). DLC AchievementsEveryone has a weakness (15) - Defeat G1 Megatron with G1 Starscream (MP only)Jazz Hands (25) - Defeat Megatron with Jazz using melee (MP only)Megatron's Master Plan (50) - Complete the Decepticon campaign on expert with a 75% completionPrime Target (15) - Defeat G1 Optimus using G1 Megatron (MP only)Quest for Survival (25) - Win a match on ANY game mode on each new map.

Underneath Spargus City

When you finish the game and have theinvincibility cheat, go to the lake in SpargusCity, get on a Leaper and turn on theinvincibility cheat and jump on the lake. TheLeaper should be able to walk on the water, andif you go to the far right (when your facing thelake) You should be able to see underneathSpargus City. (can't GO underneath it)

Free Hero Mode

First, Get 5 Orbs, then save the game. Buy Heromode, save your hero mode file, the, insted ofsaving your normal file like recomended, gostrait to hero mode.

Easy Car Boost

Jak 3 Ps2 Walkthrough

Get 30 orbs then press start. Go to secrets thenbuy unlimited boost.

Jet Board Great Moves

When you are using Jet Board, Spin, Flip, SuperJump to defense attacks. Use the same moves butnot super jump to attack enemy or press O toWide attack.

Easy Timed Challenges

You can use Light Jak's time freezing ability toslow down the clock during challenges while youmove around at normal speed.

No Damage From High Falls

When you fall from a high place, kick (Circle)shortly before you hit the ground and you won'ttake any damage from the fall.

Jak's New Clothes

Simply obtain all 600 Precursor Orbs to obtaindifferent colored clothes for Jak. Themessage, 'Congratulation! You found all 600Precursor Orbs. Enjoy Jak's stylish new duds,'will appear on the screen to confirm this.

Free Precursor Orbs

Go to any oracle statue and trade metal headskull gems to start an orb search challenge. Goto the orb and wait for the clock to turn to00:00. Even though it says 00:00, it takesanother second for the time to run out (I.E.00:00 is really 00:00.100) So wait one moresecond, and then press Square to dash at the orbas soon as time runs out and the mission failedscreen comes up. You will get 3 orbs, and beable to retry!

1st Vehicle Race

In this vehicle race you are racing in the RoughPuppy. Not all that fancy but it will do. You areracing 4 other drivers in souped up machines. Toget a little edge on your opponents get a turbaand save it for the numerous mud puddles later inthe course. Also try jumping at the peak of thehills and ridges to get a little extra umph!

Light And Dark Jak

You can turn into light or dark jak anytime aslong as you have a little bit of eco in themeter. To turn into Light Jak you must hold L2and press Triangle, Circle, Square, or X. Tochange to Dark Jak you must press L2.

All Cheats

All of the cheats are on the the pause menu go to secrets and go down slowly and there will be a thing thats says cheats.

We have no unlockables for Jak 3 yet. If you have any unlockables please submit them.

We have no easter eggs for Jak 3 yet. If you have any unlockables please submit them.

Funny Glitch

After Damas gives you the Wave Concussor waittill the movie ends. If you look at the gun inJak's hands before you press up twice you willnotice that Jak is actually holding the PeaceMaker which you do not have yet.

Created by: kid Iverson.Read the full guide..

Created by: gaming god alpha.Read the full guide..

Strategy Guide/Walkthrough/FAQCorey Feldman InterviewToggle Jak's Goatee cheat

Collect 5 orbs during a game.

Mirror World cheat

Collect 15 orbs during a game.

Admincheat Slomo This command sets the speed multiplier of the game, allowing you to speed it up or slow it down, 1 is default/normal speed. The syntax for this Ark command is as follows. Ark game speed cheat. Cheat god Enables godmode, you can not die except you can still drown cheat fly Allows you to fly cheat walk Deactivates flying and allows you to walk again cheat teleport Teleports you to coords 0 0 0 (X Y Z) cheat slomo 5 Changes the speed on the server such as player movement, use slomo 1 to revert to normal speed cheat playersonly.

Big head mode cheat

Collect 30 orbs during a game.

Small Head Mode cheat

Collect 45 orbs during a game.

Scrap Book cheat

Collect 55 orbs during a game.

Scene Player Act 1 cheat

Collect 65 orbs during a game.

Vulcan Fury Course cheat

Collect 75 orbs during a game.

Scene Player Act 2 cheat

Collect 95 orbs during a game.

Peace Maker Gun Course cheat

Collect 105 orbs during a game.

Scene Player Act 3 cheat

Collect 125 orbs during a game.

Reverse Races cheat

Collect 135 orbs during a game.

Level Select cheat

Collect 145 orbs during a game.

Infinite Ammo cheat

Collect 155 orbs during a game.

Infinite Dark Jak cheat

Collect 165 orbs during a game.

Invulnerability cheat

Collect 175 orbs during a game.

Hero Mode cheat

Collect 200 orbs during a game. When this cheat is activated, start a new game to begin with all four morph guns attachments and an alternate secrets list.

Alternate scrap book

Collect 200 orbs in Hero Mode.

Infinite Skullgems

After you have collected 200 Precursor Orbs, you can start a new game in hero mode. In Hero Mode, you can get unlimited Skullgems from Metal Heads. Kill the Metal Heads, take their Skullgems, and after you die or exit, re-enter the level and meet the same Metal Heads again. They will give you another Skullges. You can easily collect all the Skullgems needed to give to the Oracle for the new Dark Jak skills. Then, kill yourself and repeat.

Daxter holds any gun

If Jak has equipped any gun (for example, The Blaster), steal a car with the gun still equipped. You will see that Jak has given the gun to Daxter. And if you fire the gun, Daxter will shoot. Or, if you are in a car and equip a gun (for example, The Blaster), Daxter is holding it. if you fire the gun, Daxter will shoot.

More ammunition

To get more ammo for any of your guns without getting caught, do the following. Make sure you are in a place where there are Krimzon Guards (for example, Haven City). Steal a zoomer from anyone. Accelerate (press X) at a Krimzon Guard, and when it is about to hit him, get off (press Triangle). Keep on doing this about four to five times to get ammo. Also, to refill your ammo at any time during a game, go to Haven City and go to the Gun Course. It is in the Port; look for a Zoomer parked outside a door. Go inside to the first room where there are several Krimzon Guard Crates. Smash them to find an assortment of ammo. You rarely (if at all) will find Peace Maker ammo. If you do not max out your ammo in one shot. Go outside, go to the Hip Hog Saloon, return to the Gun Course, and the Krimzon Guard Crates should have regenerated.

Peace Maker

After you escort the three men down in the sewer, there will be a icon on your radar. It will take you to the Gun course. There will be a light shining on a box. Open it to find a gun. You will see an intermission sequence featuring Jak putting the front of the Peace Maker on a gun. Then, Daxter will say 'Finally, our own Peace Maker,' and you will have the Peace Maker. Note: It only has ten shots. Also, when you have obtained the Peace Maker, you can charge it and the Krimson Guards will immediately start chasing you.

Blaster combo

When you have the Blaster rifle and have it equipped, use the punch attack (Square) on an enemy, then quickly shoot (R1). Jak will knock the enemy in the air and finish it with a strong rapid fire.

Spinning rapidfire blaster combo

When you have the Blaster rifle and have it equipped, jump (X) then when in the air, spin (Circle) and fire (R1) while spinning in the air. Jak will start shooting rapidly while spinning. Use this to easily kill a group of enemies when surrounded.

Big jumps

Instead of holding L1 then pressing X to do a big jump, press X(2), Circle, jump twice, then spin kick.


Go to an area where there are no Krimzon Guards (such as the mountain area). Waste the ammunition for all your guns. Pull out the Vulcan Fury again by pressing Left, then hold R1. The Vulcan Fury will rotate, but since it has no ammo, nothing will fire. Instead, you will hear only the mechanics of the gun, which sound similar to a blender.

Avoid guards by stealth

When on foot in the city and being chased by guards, get out of sight and press the Left Analog-stick towards a wall. You will get stealthy until the panic is over.

Swim faster

To make Jak swim faster, keep tapping the Analog-stick in the direction you want to go.

Hover on water and Dark Eco with JetBoard

When keep the JetBoard, you can use it to hover on water and Dark Eco. This can be very useful when you want to go faster on water if you do not have a Zoomer, or if you have to cross some Dark Eco lakes.

Faster time in stadium mission

When the mission where Jak has to race across the city to the stadium becomes available, complete all other missions until it is the only mission remaining. You can now receive a faster time by going from Krew's place north into the square and through the area with the water. Follow the map to reach the stadium in time with ease.

Winning the Class 1 race

When you get on your race car, there will be an intermission sequence that shows Erol pulling in next to you, and Baron Praxis will announce if someone manages to the grand champion they will get a year supply of Eco and a ticket to get in his palace. When you start the race, there will be a short cut at the beginning on the right-hand side. Try to keep your first place lead. Near the finish line there will be a very brief shortcut tat puts you somewhat farther ahead. Repeat this three times and use the shortcuts to win the Class 1 race.

Winning the second race

The jet bike will jump if you press L1. When the race starts hold back a little and collect the left side boost icon left by the pack. Use a Jump and Boost combo to clear the cannon and cut out a hard U-turn. You will see light across the cannon where you jump. This should have you in front of the pack. Remain there by taking this shortcut in all five laps.

Hover on water and Dark Eco with JetBoard

When keep the JetBoard, you can use it to hover on water and Dark Eco. This can be very useful when you want to go faster on water if you do not have a Zoomer, or if you have to cross some Dark Eco lakes.

Destroy produce stands

Notice the produce stands scattered about the area of Haven City where Onin is located. You can wreck them. Punch, spin, shoot, or hover over the boxes and vases. They will break and the produce will scatter everywhere.

Ratchet and Clank: Going Commando reference

In Haven City, go to the giant garden that has giant flowers and a water cannon shooting water on them. It is near the entrance of Haven Forest and the Mountain. From here, go to the City (not to the stadium area that is nearby). Go past few small bridges, then you should face a big building. On its wall, you should see a picture of Ratchet and Clank (the main characters of Insomniac games' Ratchet and Clank). Ratchet is wearing his green commando suit from in Ratchet and Clank: Going Commando.

Baron Praxis comments

After you complete the game, go to a radio structure where announcements are said. If you wait, you will hear Baron say things like ' Victory is ours!' and 'It's hard ruling a city, you know.'

Lurker Shark on plaque in Hip Hog Heaven

Go to Hip Hog Heaven (the bar place) and look on some of the plaques. There will be a Lurker Shark on one of them.

Jak 3 Cheat Codes

Shortcut in Torn mission 2

On the second long jump, when you are on top of the sewage thing, jump to the left. If you keep going straight once you hit land, there will be stairs taking you to a new part of the mission. Go up the stairs. This skips about one half of the mission.

Avoid Krimson Guards by stealth

When on foot in the city and being chased by guards, get out of sight and press the Left Analog-stick towards a wall. You will get stealthy until the panic is over.

Not chased by Krimson Guard

When you steal any car, drive on the ground. When you see a Krimson Guard Hell Cat above you, press R2. You will hit the bottom of the Hell Cat, but not get chased. Additionally, steal a hovercar and when you see a guard, change to low hover levels. Go fast, and before you hit them, get off quickly. It will smack them without them knowing it was you.

Krimson Guard revenge

After you defeat Krew, go back to his place. Win the Wack the Metal Head game. Metal Heads will be loose, and the Krimson Guards will be chasing only them. You can now kill the Krimson Guards without them going after you.

Defeating the Baron

When fighting the Baron for the first time, he will be in a shielded ship attacking you. At first he will fire in straight lines at you. Dodge these. After three shots, his shield will break. Shoot him with your Blaster. Repeat until one third of his health is gone, then get out of the way as he charges to the next area. Follow him and reload with the ammo in nearby crates. This time he will fire missiles at you, which follow where you run. Keep running to avoid these. After two missile attacks, fire at him. Repeat until another one third of his health is gone. Then, follow him to the last area. His shield is now gone; fire when you can. He will send fiery tornadoes at you. Shoot him until he runs away.

When fighting the Baron in Mar's Tomb, pull out the Scatter gun and shoot the mech spiders that he sends at you. When all of them are gone, he will fire bombs at you. Knock them back at him with a spin attack. Aim carefully to hit him. Four bombs will take one third of his health away. He will send more spiders at you. Hide behind the pillars to avoid being shot by the Baron. Knock four more bombs his way. He will get the Precursor Stone. Again, stay behind the pillars to avoid him. He will take out sections of the walkway and shoot only two bombs. If you can turn into Dark Jak, do so and use a Dark Bomb to finish him. Otherwise, knock the bombs into him. However aiming will be much harder now; act fast and the battle will be yours.

Note: When you defeat Baron Praxis (in the Tomb of Mar) and leave Mar's tomb, you will start to see yellow Krimson Guards. The only difference is that they take more hits to kill.

Defeating Krew

When you first start, kill all of the 'clones' of Krew (they only do 1 damage). First, go around in a circle about three times then turn around and shoot them. If they get too close, keep going around. After you kill all the clones, Krew he will come after you on his flying chair and try to shoot you. Take out your Peace Maker and charge a shot up. When he comes around, shoot him a couple of times with the Peace Maker. He will go off in the distance. Repeat this as many times as needed to defeat Krew. Note: After you shoot Krew with the Peace Maker, get ammo out of the boxes.

Defeating Metal Heads

If there are more than one Metal Heads or enemies, double jump and kick in the air. Then, shoot to send out a number of shots. Note: This only works with the gun with the laser pointer in front.

Defeating Metal Head leader

Begin by taking out your blaster and kill all the enemies. Then, shoot him repeatedly until more Metal Heads appear. Repeat this as many times as needed until he gets in the red. When he gets in the red, he will jump off the string things and will be on the ground. Avoid him until he shoots three lasers at you. He should now be on the other side of you. Take out the Peace Maker and shoot him. Repeat this as many times needed to defeat the Metal Head leader and complete the game.

When the battle starts, take out your Vulcan gun and fire at the Leader until he charges a shot. Get out of the way. Switch to your Blaster and run around the area, firing at the Leader occasionally. Take out the bugs if they get too close; otherwise stay away from them. When you get to phase two (one third of his health is gone), continue firing at him until the flying Metal Heads approach you. If you have enough Eco, turn into Dark Jak. Take some of the lesser enemies then do a Dark Blast close to the Leader (takes about half a health bar). Repeat the earlier process until the Leader starts running around. Continue running until his blasts are coming from the side instead of behind. Turn and blast him. Repeat to win.

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